Fortune and Cowsay API by APIRobots

Fortune and Cowsay API by APIRobots

Unleash humor and wisdom with our playful API! 🐮✨ Delivering random fortunes and ASCII cow graphics with 99.99% guaranteed uptime.

🚀 API Endpoints

1. Get Plain Fortune

GET /v1/fortune/plain


    "fortune": "\"I'm in Pittsburgh.  Why am I here?\"\n\t\t-- Harold Urey, Nobel Laureate"

2. Fortune with Cowsay

GET /v1/fortune/cowsay


    "fortune": "_________________________________________ \n/ Today's scientific question is: What in \\\n| the world is electricity?               |\n|                                         |\n| And where does it go after it leaves    |\n| the toaster?                            |\n|                                         |\n\\ -- Dave Barry, \"What is Electricity?\"   /\n ----------------------------------------- \n        \\   ^__^\n         \\  (oo)\\_______\n            (__)\\       )\\/\\\n                ||----w |\n                ||     ||"

3. Random Cow Fortune

GET /v1/fortune/random-cow


    "fortune": "________________________________________ \n/ User n.:                               \\\n|                                        |\n| A programmer who will believe anything |\n\\ you tell him.                          /\n ---------------------------------------- \n          \\      (__)      \n           \\     /oo|  \n            \\   (_\"_)*+++++++++*\n                   //I#\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\I\\\n                   I[I|I|||||I I `\n                   I`I'///'' I I\n                   I I       I I\n                   ~ ~       ~ ~\n                     Scowleton"

4. Custom Cowsay Message

GET /v1/cowsay?text=Hello%20Foobar


    "fortune": "______________\n< Hello Foobar >\n --------------\n        \\   ^__^\n         \\  (oo)\\_______\n            (__)\\       )\\/\\\n                ||----w |\n                ||     ||"

🌟 Key Features

  • Random Fortunes: Unique, witty quotes
  • Multiple Styles: Plain text and ASCII cow graphics
  • Custom Messages: Generate your own cowsay fortunes
  • Enterprise Reliability: 99.99% uptime guarantee

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📞 Support

#APIRobots #Cowsay #ProgrammerHumor

APIRobots APIs:

  • We provide and develop high-quality APIs.
  • Our APIs have a 99.99% uptime.
  • Our aim is to achieve the lowest possible latency.


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