Introducing DictZilla Dictionary Translation API by APIRobots

Introducing DictZilla Dictionary Translation API by APIRobots

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new DictZilla Dictionary Translation API, designed to provide fast and accurate translations across multiple language pairs. This API offers a comprehensive solution for developers looking to enhance their applications with multilingual capabilities.

Key Features

  • Supports translations between multiple language pairs
  • Provides real-time dictionary lookup functionality
  • Offers a simple and intuitive API structure
  • Fast and reliable performance with 99.99% uptime guarantee
  • Comprehensive coverage of over 200 language pairs

Available Dictionary Pairs

Our DictZilla Dictionary Translation API supports a vast array of language combinations. Here’s a snapshot of the many language pairs available:

  • English-Afrikaans (af_en), Afrikaans-Dutch (af_de), Afrikaans-Swedish (af_sv)
  • Arabic-English (ar_en), Belarusian-English (be_en), Belarusian-Polish (be_pl)
  • Bulgarian-English (bg_en), Bulgarian-Swedish (bg_sv)
  • Chinese-English (zh_en), Chinese-Estonian (zh_eo), Mandarin Chinese-English (zh-CN_en), Taiwanese Mandarin-English (zh-TW_en)
  • Croatian-English (hr_en), Czech-Netherlands (cs_nl), Czech-English (cs_en), Czech-Russian (cs_ru)
  • Danish-Netherlands (da_nl), Danish-English (da_en), Danish-Finnish (da_fi), Danish-French (da_fr), Danish-German (da_de), Danish-Hungarian (da_hu), Danish-Indonesian (da_id), Danish-Italian (da_it), Danish-Japanese (da_ja), Danish-Latin (da_la), Danish-Norwegian (da_no), Danish-Portuguese (da_pt), Danish-Russian (da_ru), Danish-Spanish (da_es), Danish-Swedish (da_sw), Danish-Swedish (da_sv)

…and many more!

API Endpoints

Get List of Dictionaries

GET /v1/dictionaries

This endpoint returns a comprehensive list of all available dictionary pairs for translation.

Get Translation

GET /v1/dictionaries/{dictionary_pair}/translation?word={word}

This endpoint performs a translation of a given word from one language to another using the specified dictionary pair. For example:


This would translate the English word “love” to Spanish.

Example Translation Response

Here’s an example of what the API response might look like for the translation of “love”:

  "data": {
    "word": "love",
    "translation": "<font color=\"blue\">v.</font> amar, adorar, estar apegado a, estar enamorado de, estar encantado de, querer, querer a; gustar; ser cariñoso"

In this example, the API not only provides the translation but also includes additional grammatical information and synonyms.


  • dictionary_pair: Required. Specifies the language pair in the format ‘from_to’ (e.g., en_es)
  • word: Required. The word to be translated

Response Formats

Our API supports JSON responses, making it easy to integrate the translation data into your applications.

API Structure

The API follows a clear structure:

  1. Base URL: /v1/dictionaries/{dictionary_pair}/translation
  2. Query parameter: word
  3. Response format: JSON object with nested data property

Benefits of Using DictZilla Dictionary API

  1. Comprehensive coverage: Access translations for numerous language pairs
  2. Real-time updates: Always get the latest translations
  3. Easy integration: Simple API design makes implementation straightforward
  4. High reliability: Built on robust infrastructure for consistent performance
  5. Extensive language support: Over 200 language pairs available
  6. Detailed translations: Includes grammatical information and synonyms when available

API Robots Commitment

At API Robots, we’re committed to providing high-quality APIs that meet the needs of modern applications. Our goals include:

  • Developing and maintaining high-quality APIs
  • Achieving 99.99% uptime for our services
  • Striving for the lowest possible latency in API operations

We believe that DictZilla Dictionary Translation API will be a valuable addition to your development toolkit, enabling you to create multilingual applications with ease. Whether you’re building chatbots, translation tools, or international websites, this API can help you reach a global audience.

Start exploring the power of DictZilla Dictionary Translation API today!