Keeping Your Cloud-Based APIs Safe: Tips for Securing APIs Across Multiple Clouds

Photo by An Tran

Keeping Your Cloud-Based APIs Safe: Tips for Securing APIs Across Multiple Clouds

REST (REpresentational State Transfer) APIs have become ubiquitous in enabling organizations to securely expose data and functionality to developers, partners, and the public. With the rise of microservices and the shift towards cloud-native development, the usage of REST APIs has exploded.

However, increased API usage also introduces new security risks. APIs act as gateways into an organization’s critical systems and data assets. A vulnerability in an API can be exploited to access backend services and sensitive information. Attackers are increasingly targeting internet-facing APIs as an entry point into networks.

Securing REST APIs brings unique challenges, especially in cloud environments. Traditional network security models focused on protecting a closed perimeter don’t work when APIs allow external access by design. The dynamic nature of the cloud also makes it difficult to maintain consistent security policies and controls across diverse environments and infrastructure.

This article provides best practices and guidance for securing your REST APIs in modern multi-cloud environments. We’ll examine the critical aspects of API security including identity and access management, data encryption, vulnerability management, runtime protection, and more. With the right security strategy, you can confidently build APIs that enable innovation through secure access to data and services.

Identity and Access Management

Identity and access management (IAM) is critical for securing REST APIs in the cloud. IAM refers to the processes and technologies for managing digital identities and controlling access to resources. For REST APIs, IAM focuses on properly authenticating API consumers and authorizing their access.

OAuth has become the standard for API authentication and authorization. OAuth allows secure token-based authentication without exposing user credentials. API consumers register their app to receive API keys and tokens. The tokens grant limited access scopes to make API calls. Tokens can be revoked at any time if compromised.

Managing API keys and secrets is another important aspect of IAM. API keys should have expiration policies and be rotated frequently. Secrets like OAuth client secrets need to be securely stored and transmitted. Using a secrets manager helps centralize and encrypt this sensitive data.

Role-based access control (RBAC) is an authorization strategy that assigns permissions to roles rather than individual users. RBAC enables more granular control over API access. For example, read-only roles can be created for accessing data versus admin roles that allow modifying resources. RBAC roles should be designed with the principle of least privilege in mind.

Federated identity via social login can also be leveraged for API security. Allowing API consumers to authenticate with their existing social media accounts simplifies the onboarding process. Social login can integrate with a single sign-on solution to enable centralized authentication and management across cloud environments.

Proper identity and access management establishes the foundation for securing REST APIs in the cloud. Implementing OAuth, secrets management, RBAC, and federated identity helps prevent unauthorized API access and abuse.

Encrypting Data in Transit and at Rest

Securing data, both while it is being transmitted and while at rest, is a critical part of protecting APIs. Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption should be used to encrypt all API traffic in transit. TLS provides privacy and integrity between two communicating systems by ensuring data cannot be read or modified during transmission. All API requests and responses should enforce TLS 1.2 or 1.3 encryption at a minimum.

For data at rest, encryption schemes like AES-256bit or RSA can be used. The keys used to encrypt data should also be protected, typically by storing them in hardware security modules or key management services. Proper key management is important to allow for key rotation and prevent unauthorized access.

With cloud-based APIs, encryption keys may be managed by the cloud provider or handled by the customer directly. Cloud encryption services like AWS Key Management Service or Azure Key Vault allow enterprises to fully manage their keys while still benefiting from the scalability of cloud infrastructure.

The choice between cloud-managed versus customer-managed keys depends on an organization’s security posture and regulatory requirements. Cloud-managed keys offer simplicity and integration while customer keys enable full control over the encryption lifecycle. Multi-cloud environments provide additional complexity as different providers offer varying key management capabilities.

Overall, encrypting both data in transit and at rest provides defense in depth for APIs and should be implemented using robust standards, schemes, and platforms. Particular care should be taken to properly manage encryption keys in the cloud.

Vulnerability Scanning and Pen Testing

Scanning APIs regularly for vulnerabilities is critical to ensure security in cloud environments. Traditional web app scanners may fall short for APIs, so specialized API scanners are recommended. Tools like nmap, OWASP ZAP, and others can be used to probe APIs and look for weaknesses.

Penetration testing is also important for simulating real attacks against APIs and infrastructure. Traditional network pen testing approaches may not work as well for APIs, so a methodology focused on APIs security should be used. Things to look for include authentication issues, injection flaws, improper access control, and other API-specific risks.

Since APIs may be accessible over the internet, vulnerabilities can be especially risky. Continuously scanning them and doing focused pen tests on APIs is key to finding issues before attackers do. Cloud services provide options for scheduling and automating scans. Prioritizing vulnerabilities in APIs helps focus remediation. Overall, proactive scanning and pen testing is one of the best ways to strengthen API security posture.

Web Application Firewalls

Web application firewalls (WAFs) are an important layer of protection for APIs in the cloud. WAFs analyze web traffic to block threats like SQL injection, cross-site scripting, DDoS attacks, and more.

When it comes to APIs, WAFs need to be carefully configured with API-specific rulesets. Out-of-the-box rulesets for web applications don’t always translate well to APIs. Things like JSON payload structure, RESTful principles, and API authentication schemas need special consideration.

WAFs should be tuned to understand what normal API traffic looks like, taking into account factors like:

  • Rate limiting policies
  • Typical request sizes
  • Expected HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, etc)
  • Valid character sets in requests/responses
  • Common user agents and clients

With a properly tuned WAF, attacks against APIs can be detected and blocked. For example, a WAF can identify SQL injection attempts in JSON payloads and excessive repeated requests indicative of a DDoS attack.

WAFs also provide key protection against volumetric DDoS attacks. By absorbing and filtering large volumes of malicious traffic close to the source, WAFs can mitigate attacks designed to overload API servers. Cloud-based WAF services have the scalability to handle huge attacks.

Overall, web application firewalls tailored to APIs provide an essential layer of protection in multi-cloud environments. WAFs can identify and block many common attacks that traditional network firewalls miss. API developers should incorporate WAF scanning and tuning as part of their CI/CD pipeline to ensure maximum protection.

Security Monitoring and Analytics

With APIs distributed across multiple cloud environments, having comprehensive visibility into API traffic and behavior is crucial. Effective security monitoring and analytics provides capabilities to track API usage patterns, detect anomalies or threats, and integrate with native cloud monitoring tools.

Monitoring API Traffic Patterns

Continuously monitoring API traffic patterns establishes a baseline for normal behavior. Any significant deviations could indicate an issue like a DoS attack, data exfiltration via an API, or abuse of an API by a bad actor. Cloud platforms provide API analytics and metrics on traffic volume, response times, errors etc. Further traffic analysis should focus on factors like:

  • Spikes in traffic at unusual times
  • Unrecognized client applications/devices accessing APIs
  • Irregular geographic distribution of API requests
  • APIs returning unexpectedly large payload responses

Detecting Anomalies and Threats

Advanced analytics using machine learning can automatically detect anomalies and threats based on identified traffic patterns and metrics. For example, user behavior analytics can analyze API access patterns and detect credential misuse, insider threats, or accounts compromised by attackers. Web application firewalls also often include analytics engines to detect SQL injections, cross-site scripting attacks, and other API threats.

Integrating Cloud Monitoring Tools

Most major cloud providers offer robust native monitoring and logging capabilities. AWS CloudTrail or Azure Monitor provide detailed API logs that can feed into SIEMs and analytics tools. Google Stackdriver aggregates metrics, logs, and events across Google Cloud. Integrating and correlating cloud-native monitoring data with external security analytics provides complete visibility across multi-cloud environments.

Multi-Cloud Security Management

Managing security across multiple public cloud platforms can be challenging. Each cloud provider has their own services, APIs, and management systems. This can make it difficult to have centralized visibility and control over security.

When using multiple clouds, you need to consider the differences between providers. For example, AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud all take slightly different approaches to IAM, network security, encryption, and more. The tools and best practices may not be entirely portable between clouds.

To enable centralized visibility and control, many organizations turn to multi-cloud management platforms. These tools create a unified view and allow you to manage security policies across different cloud environments. Some examples include:

  • CloudHealth - Consolidates visibility and helps enforce security policies across AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Provides compliance reporting and optimization recommendations.

  • IBM Cloud Security Advisor - Scans resources across clouds and provides recommendations to improve security posture. Integrates with other IBM tools for access management, data security, and threat protection.

  • Cisco CloudCenter - Enables consistent deployment, security policy, governance, and compliance across private data centers and public clouds including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

  • CloudCheckr - Offers visibility and reporting for security, cost management, and compliance across public clouds. Customizable dashboards and automated policy enforcement.

  • Dome9 Arc - Multi-cloud security visibility, compliance automation, and enforcement. Supports AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

By leveraging a independent tool, you gain the ability to manage security centrally across cloud providers. This improves your security posture while allowing you to take advantage of multiple public clouds. Just be aware that abstraction layers can also result in some loss of native integration and features.

CI/CD Pipeline Security

Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are essential for rapidly developing and deploying applications in the cloud. However, these pipelines can also introduce security risks if not properly secured. Here are some best practices for securing CI/CD pipelines in a multi-cloud environment:

Scanning for Vulnerabilities in Code

  • Use static and dynamic application security testing (SAST/DAST) tools to scan source code for vulnerabilities before deployment. Tools like Veracode, Checkmarx, SonarQube, and others can integrate into CI/CD pipelines.

  • Configure these scans to run automatically at every code commit or merge into the master branch. Fail the build if high severity issues are detected.

  • Scan infrastructure-as-code templates (CloudFormation, Terraform, Ansible) for misconfigurations. Tools like CloudSploit and TfSec can help.

Security Testing in Staging Environments

  • Perform penetration tests and simulated attacks against staging environments before deployment to production. Tools like Metasploit, OWASP ZAP, and Burp Suite can automate security testing.

  • Test for OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), broken authentication, sensitive data exposure, etc.

  • Validate production-like security controls are functioning as intended in staging. e.g. WAF rules, identity federation, DDoS protection.

Securing Deployment Pipelines

  • Use permissions controls to limit access to CI/CD consoles and prevent unauthorized changes.

  • Digitally sign artifacts like containers and infrastructure templates to ensure integrity across environments.

  • Monitor pipelines for unexpected changes like deploying to production without approval.

Shifting Security Left

  • Build security into the CI/CD pipeline from the beginning, not just in production.

  • Automate policy enforcement and security checks earlier in the pipeline to reduce risk.

  • Stop high risk releases before they reach customers by failing builds with vulnerabilities.

  • View pipeline security as a shared responsibility between dev, sec, and ops teams.

By integrating security tools into CI/CD pipelines, testing thoroughly in staging, and taking a “shift left” approach, organizations can develop more secure applications while still maintaining velocity.

Serverless and Microservices Security

Serverless computing and microservices introduce unique security challenges due to their distributed nature and ephemeral infrastructure.

Stateless Nature of Serverless Functions

Since serverless functions are intended to be stateless, important context like user sessions is lost between invocations. This requires alternative methods to maintain and transmit state like API keys or JWT tokens. Care must be taken to avoid leaking secrets or keys into logs or improperly scoping access.

Limiting Blast Radius

With microservices and serverless, individual components can be compromised without compromising the entire system. This blast radius limitation is an advantage, but automated horizontal privilege escalation attempts could spread an attack. Carefully scoping permissions and monitoring for suspicious internal traffic can mitigate this.

Securing Container-Based Microservices

Microservices frequently utilize container platforms like Kubernetes. Containers should be scanned for vulnerabilities regularly and run with least privilege permissions. Network policies should restrict traffic between services. Kubernetes admission controls can enforce policies on deployments.

Distributed Tracing for Observability

Microservices and serverless functions rely on distributed tracing to monitor requests across services. This provides vital observability into the entire system. Traces should be monitored for anomalies indicative of an attack. High cardinality trace data may require sampling or aggregation.

This covers key aspects of securing container-based microservices and serverless functions in a cloud native environment. The ephemeral and distributed nature introduces challenges but also opportunities to limit blast radius and quickly detect attacks.


APIs are the backbone of many modern applications, allowing diverse systems to communicate with each other. However as more companies adopt multi-cloud environments, securing APIs can become increasingly complex. This article examined some of the key challenges and leading practices for protecting APIs in the cloud.

Securing your APIs requires employing multiple layers of defense rather than relying on a single control. Robust identity and access management ensures only authorized users and applications can access APIs. Encrypting data both in transit and at rest protects sensitive information. Continuous vulnerability scanning finds weaknesses before attackers can exploit them, while web application firewalls actively block attacks targeting known vulnerabilities.

Monitoring API traffic, user behavior, and logs using analytics can detect anomalies and trigger alerts on suspicious activity. A multi-cloud management platform provides centralized visibility and control across heterogeneous environments. Hardening CI/CD pipelines prevents vulnerabilities from being introduced into production releases. Serverless and microservices architectures pose their own unique security demands that must be addressed as part of an overall API protection strategy.

As companies continue their digital transformation initiatives and adopt cloud-native architectures, securing APIs only grows in importance. The future will likely see increased use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze APIs and user behavior in order to detect attacks in real-time. Organizations should continue investing in their API security programs, ensuring they evolve to match the ever-changing threat landscape. By taking a proactive and layered approach to API security, companies can confidently innovate with new technologies while keeping their most critical assets secure.

Stay tuned with APIRobots for more insights and updates on this exciting field. Don’t miss out on the opportunities that APIs can bring to your business. Contact us today at API Robots an APIs Development Agency and let’s unlock the full potential of APIs together.